Welcome to Hypnotherapy for Anxiety

Anxiety Hypnotherapy Gold Coast

You’re not the only one, you’re amongst many of us! The truth is, you, Brad, and everyone else experiences anxiety. It’s an innate human response from the brain to safeguard us. Anxiety affects us all in different ways, you might find it frequently creeping into your daily situations, work environment, relationships and personal development, being like a devil’s advocate on your shoulder.

Anxiety stems from anticipation about whether a certain outcome will happen or not as a result of circumstances, places, people, situations or objects. generating fear. When you experience anxiety, often it’s created from continued belief from an event, and if not resolved, it can invite similar circumstances in our lives.

While anxiety is a normal part of our life, if we keep attracting similar circumstances, the same cycle of anticipation can continue. This can cause worry, severe anxiety, difficulty in breathing, heart palpitations, tightness in chest, pins and needles, sleep difficulties, nausea, changes to your libido, panic attacks, rapid breathing, a state of dread and more. You may already have been suffering from a specific type like PTSD, generalized anxiety, panic disorders, social anxiety, fears and phobias and OCD.

If unresolved, it can be a constant burden to how you behave with your friends, family, and situations and hinder your daily life greatly. It can dramatically reduce your quality of life. Furthermore, you’re at greater risk of developing other issues such as depression, substance abuse, isolation and social phobias.

With Brad’s hypnotherapy anxiety service, you can resolve these irrational fears that have been holding you back, cultivate clarity and feel more energised. Brad’s sessions will not only help you conquer your fears, but also lay the foundation for stronger and more fulfilling relationships with your loved ones. You’ll be empowered to experience greater joy in all areas of your life.

How Hypnotherapy for Anxiety can help you

If you’ve typically searched for hypnotherapy anxiety then you’ve come to the right place. In Brad’s sessions, he can help you conquer your anxiety using his advanced Hypnotherapy techniques to find the root cause to resolve your anxiety.

Perhaps you have tried other methods to resolve your anxiety only to find it has band aided the issue? Compared to alternate practices that fail to address the problem directly, like meditation , yoga, exercise, breathing techniques and more, Brad’s hypnotherapy methods are sustainable.

They save you the short-term fix from masking your emotions and feelings, by addressing them subconsciously ,where the belief lies. Brad’s sessions look at your experiences, behaviours and memories by tapping into your subconscious mind safely.

In addition to being a therapist, Brad has first hand experience with anxiety, trauma, panic attacks and social phobias from childhood. He can empathetically relate to your situation from a non judgemental place. Through different exposure, he’s also developed an uncanny ability to sense and identify different body languages, opinions and behaviours in each session.

This helps him quickly unravel the root cause of the initial belief that triggered your anxiety. Upon locating the initial belief, he’ll communicate and collaborate through a shared learning and understanding. As a result freeing you of negative energy and negative emotions, changing your belief to a rational and positive outcome.

While healing is not a one size fits all journey, usually in his sessions, Brad will help you resolve your anxiety in as little as 4 sessions. Brad recommends for full resolution, his 4 session anxiety Hypnotherapy package, this will be tailored to your individual needs.

The Process

When working with Brad to resolve your anxiety, Brad will be there with you empathetically and with no judgment for this life changing journey, right from the initial meeting. Through shared communication, and deep experience as a therapist and former trauma sufferer, he applies his experience to ensure you recover safely and fully.

Through his personalised approach, Brad will chat with you about how anxiety is impacting your life, relationships and work. When Brad has all the relevant information, Brad will educate you about Hypnosis, the fears, misconceptions and myths.

Once Brad is comfortable that you are aware of how the process works and has discussed with you any of your own personal fears around hypnosis, Brad will begin to do the work through your past negative experiences to make your future a positive one.

With a 98% success rate, his patients usually resolve their anxiety fully in Brad 4 session Hypnotherapy Anxiety package.

Are you ready to be free from Anxiety and if you are ready to make the changes and live your best life.

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