Welcome to Hypnotherapy for Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Hypnotherapy

Chronic pain can be restrictive, isolated and quite stressful to live with. Especially when that pain constant day in and day out. Your pain might come from a diagnosis like cancer, shingles, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, spinal injury and more. It might even exist for no identifiable reason, leaving you even more frustrated.

It’s safe to say chronic pain is pretty complex and can cause a huge strain on your relationships with your family, work and social life if ignored. The reasons for chronic pain occurring are often deep rooted, stemming from past emotional trauma, a stressed nervous system or psychosomatic effects.

Often the pain is psychosomatic, causing a trapped emotion in your body or a perceived idea your subconscious has created. When this happens, the trauma or trapped emotion can quickly diminish through hypnotherapy, hypnosis for chronic pain freeing you from pain quickly

If untreated, chronic pain can cause many mental and emotional issues even relationship breakdowns, loss of income, it can be a vicious cycle and down hill spiral if left untreated.

To tackle chronic pain, a multidisciplinary approach is required and a strong realisation that you’re in control. Brad’s hypnotherapy Gold coast can help you regain control over your pain by retraining your neutral pathways and developing new neural patterns.

Brad is a strong believer that anyone has the power to overcome their chronic pain. Many of his clients who have suffered from chronic pain, have come out of his appointments feeling more empowered and energised.

With his help, you can regain control over your pain and break free from its grasp. Try his package today and make your steps towards a pain free life.

Hypnotherapy for Chronic Pain

With Brad’s hypnotherapy sessions in the Gold Coast, you can finally regain control over your pain. Unlike other methods that only provide short-term relief or are too expensive to maintain, Brad’s hypnotherapy chronic pain techniques delve deep into the root cause of your chronic pain. By exploring your subconscious mind and identifying any emotional or physical traumas, Brad can tailor his approach to your unique needs.

Formerly suffering from a severe paralysis and chronic pain of his spine, Brad can empathetically relate to your experience with chronic pain. Through his shared experience, knowledge and practice he is able to effectively work with your subconscious. Brad helps change the level of intensity of pain messages distributed to your body.

With shared learning and understanding, Brad’s sessions can help you calm down your highly sensitised nervous system and provide new templates for how to respond to pain. His nonjudgmental space allows you to openly discuss your experiences and behaviours, leading to longlasting relief.

While the number of sessions required may vary, Brad recommends 4 session package sessions to ensure you receive the full benefits of his approach. Say goodbye to chronic pain and take back control of your life with Brad’s hypnotherapy Gold Coast.

The process

Brad helps you take full control and ownership over your life, instilling transformative tools and techniques to last long after his sessions have finished. As a therapist specialising in hypnotherapy near me, he has a strong track record for helping clients alleviate their chronic pain, allowing them to leave behind the burden and reclaim their lives. Using a personalised approach tailored to your pain, Brad will discuss how chronic pain is affecting your life, relationships, mood, and work. Once he has all the required information, he’ll explain the hypnosis process, addressing any fears,misconceptions, and myths associated with it.

When Brad is confident you understand the process and has addressed any concerns you have about hypnosis, he will begin working with you. He’ll help you navigate past negative experiences linked to chronic pain, transforming them so you can regain control and live your best life pain-free.

Witness a noticeable difference in your life, feel more energised, empowered, and create better relationships not only with yourself but also with friends, work colleagues, and family.

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